His Banner Over Me is Love: Song 2:4

An excerpt from the book;

Song of Songs: Life in the Harem of God

Nicholls, von Charles Wynee - Die Perle des Harems copy

He hath brought me to the banqueting-house, 

and his banner over me is love.

Prepare yourself for little old ladies with pitchforks and rolling pins to protest these truths, after all, they teach little children to sing this verse without any idea what it really means.  This is one of those verses that has been purposely mistranslated.  No, that isn’t quite the word for it, misconstrued?  Inaccurate?  Fiddled with?  Misrepresented?  Oh, pick one!  Literally, it is explicit, “He brought me to his wine house (we would say cellar), and covered me with his standard”, which is a euphemism for sexual relations.  So without getting too explicit, He brings her to where the wine is kept and they have a VERY good time.

So let us progress to the wine cellar with our Beloved and be taken in the rapture of love.  This is one experience we cannot share with the others of the harem.  This is one time we must trust Him completely.  Down in the wine cellar alone with our King is where the true ecstasy is.  We will not find this rapture of love in the midst of the congregation.  This kind of high will never be achieved in the frenzy and ecstasy of congregational worship.  It takes just one step into that secret, quiet, place with our God to realize how much more there is to this relationship.  It is not a corporate experience.  We must spend time alone with our Beloved.  This kind of rapture is only achieved through long hours of deep study.  In the quietness of the Word is where we find such magnificent satisfying ecstasy; words fail.

“Be still, and know that I am God. Psa. 46:10a

The word “to know” in the Bible can also be a euphemism for sexual relations.  So the Psalmist is saying that it is in the still, quiet, moments that we can have a deeply intimate relationship with our Beloved.

6 thoughts on “His Banner Over Me is Love: Song 2:4

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