The Song of Songs: Life in the Harem of God

Is now available in the bookstore

A look at the typology of the Song of Songs.

God gave us the gift of a love song.  However, because He gave it with a great deal of erotic content the Church has sought over the centuries to discourage believers from even peeking at their gift. However, there comes a time when a believer is mature enough to handle the information contained in this little package.  Don’t let the overpious keep you from tearing the wrappings off your divine package.

He meant for this sensual book to bring us into a deeper and more authentic relationship with Him, as we come to realize that we are meant to be God’s lovers.  We begin to realize that His omnipresence allows for all of us individually to be His one and only, His favorite! if you will.  He uses the literal harem of Solomon as a springboard to explain the intimate relationship He wants with His people.

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The Vatar Covenant

6a00d8345263cd69e200e54f6389fa8834-800wiUntil the day breathe, 

and the shadows flee away, 

turn, my beloved,

 and be thou like a gazelle or a young hart upon the mountains of spices. Song 2:17

That last word spices is actually vatarVatar/bater is usually a verb and means separation, to cut in two, or split.  Here it is a noun and is referring to the inviolable ceremonial vatar covenant, which is made by passing between split carcasses [Gen 15 c.f. Jer. 34:18-19].  These animals are not considered as sacrifices, but rather blood witnesses, which means that if the covenant is not honored then those participating are to be like the animals. Continue reading

His Banner Over Me is Love: Song 2:4

An excerpt from the book;

Song of Songs: Life in the Harem of God

Nicholls, von Charles Wynee - Die Perle des Harems copy

He hath brought me to the banqueting-house, 

and his banner over me is love.

Prepare yourself for little old ladies with pitchforks and rolling pins to protest these truths, after all, they teach little children to sing this verse without any idea what it really means.  This is one of those verses that has been purposely mistranslated.  No, that isn’t quite the word for it, misconstrued?  Inaccurate?  Fiddled with?  Misrepresented?  Oh, pick one!  Literally, it is explicit, “He brought me to his wine house (we would say cellar), and covered me with his standard”, which is a euphemism for sexual relations.  So without getting too explicit, He brings her to where the wine is kept and they have a VERY good time.

So let us progress to the wine cellar with our Beloved and be taken in the rapture of love.  This is one experience we cannot share with the others of the harem.  This is one time we must trust Him completely.  Down in the wine cellar alone with our King is where the true ecstasy is.  We will not find this rapture of love in the midst of the congregation.  This kind of high will never be achieved in the frenzy and ecstasy of congregational worship.  It takes just one step into that secret, quiet, place with our God to realize how much more there is to this relationship.  It is not a corporate experience.  We must spend time alone with our Beloved.  This kind of rapture is only achieved through long hours of deep study.  In the quietness of the Word is where we find such magnificent satisfying ecstasy; words fail.

“Be still, and know that I am God. Psa. 46:10a

The word “to know” in the Bible can also be a euphemism for sexual relations.  So the Psalmist is saying that it is in the still, quiet, moments that we can have a deeply intimate relationship with our Beloved.

The Almeh or Alamot in the Harem

Harem Dancers by Fabio Fabbi

Appendix Note A, from the book Song of Songs: Life in the Harem of God

We have been looking at the Song of Songs, but there are other passages throughout the Bible that are the same song, and the same tune.  A wondrous love Song hidden in the Bible.  Only those who are truly His beloved, can perceive and truly appreciate that it is even there.  Even then, sometimes we only catch a whisper of the building crescendo.  Other times it can be so overwhelming, that we are engulfed by its overpowering waves, and swamped in a deluge of emotions, that overflow our senses and engulf our minds.  Often it is hidden like a precious gift, prepared by a loved one and tucked away, a tiny jewel or gem, concealed where only the lover would think to look.  Having found just one, the diligent and attentive lover will search carefully till ALL have been found.  Then they will carefully clutch them close to their hearts as tokens of their Lover’s commitment.

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The Lord of the Harem is Omnipresent

The Harem

Ernst, Rudolph Ernst (1854 - 1932)  Romantic Interlude Clearly part of the typology of the Song of Songs is that all of us are typologically women of God’s harem.

For the western mind this brings up all kinds of misunderstandings as we have attached all manner fantasies often of a sexual nature to the term harem.  This is not the reality of what these place’s were.

The harem is not a prison, nor was it usually a sex palace, the word means protected place, the sanctum or the forbidden place.  For the most part the harem functioned as the family quarters.  The wives, children, and servants lived there.  Most of the cooking, cleaning, and all those chores that are the domain of women were preformed in these secluded places. Continue reading

Begin an authentic relationship with the Lord

Harem Dancers by Fabio Fabbi

This is not a normal teaching from your normal church.  Some experiences cannot be shared by the congregation.

This blog is not for the immature or new believer. It is for the believer who sits up one days and says “I want more, in my relationship with God. I want to be closer to my God, my King, my Redeemer, and my Beloved.”

The Song of Songs teaches that we are all in God’s harem.  We are all brides of Messiah, individually. For purposes of the blog I have substituted Harem where one would normally write congregation, church, or believers. The great love poem was left for us to understand that the  relationship with out Lord is to be as intimate as any passionate encounter.